Docker Benefit
Version control (like Git)
Easy to share your environment
Keep cleaning on your laptop
Quick Start on Mac!!
Download Docker on your laptop.
Turn on Docker.
Open terminal.
Pull docker image (you can choose a desired image from HERE). If you have no idea, do not worry! Just follow me :)
your_name:~$ docker pull jupyter/scipy-notebook
- Create a file where you want to work.
your_name:~$ mkdir FILE_NAME
your_name:~$ cd FILE_NAME
- Create a container.
your_name:~$ docker run -d --name CONTAINER_NAME -p 8888:8888 -v "$(pwd):/home/jovyan/work" jupyter/scipy-notebook
- Check and copy passward (after taken)
your_name:~$ docker logs CONTAINER_NAME"PASSWARD"
Open Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab.
Bang Bang Bang!!!! Now you can use Jupyter Notebook!! Enjoy!!
Note: files/folders can be shared through FILE_NAME which you created. -
Stop your container.
your_name:~$ docker stop CONTAINER_NAME
Now you can shut down your laptop.
Additional Information
- Start Jupyter Notebook when you start to work again.
your_name:~$ docker start CONTAINER_NAME
- If you cannot use some libraries/packages, install a desired library/package in your container!
your_name:~$ docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash
(base)jovyan@~:~$ pip LIBRARY/PACKGE_NAME
(base)jovyan@~:~$ exit
- Check statement of containers.
your_name:~$ docker ps -a
- Delete a container.
your_name:~$ docker rm CONTAINER_ID
- Check statement of images.
your_name:~$ docker images
- Delete a image.
your_name:~$ docker rmi IMAGE_ID