Quick Guide: Docker for Jupyter Notebook

December 9, 2020

Docker Benefit

  • Version control (like Git)

  • Easy to share your environment

  • Keep cleaning on your laptop

Quick Start on Mac!!

  1. Download Docker on your laptop.

  2. Turn on Docker.

  3. Open terminal.

  4. Pull docker image (you can choose a desired image from HERE). If you have no idea, do not worry! Just follow me :)

your_name:~$ docker pull jupyter/scipy-notebook
  1. Create a file where you want to work.
your_name:~$ mkdir FILE_NAME
your_name:~$ cd FILE_NAME
  1. Create a container.
your_name:~$ docker run -d --name CONTAINER_NAME -p 8888:8888 -v "$(pwd):/home/jovyan/work" jupyter/scipy-notebook
  1. Check and copy passward (after taken)
your_name:~$ docker logs CONTAINER_NAME"PASSWARD"
  1. Open Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab.
    Bang Bang Bang!!!! Now you can use Jupyter Notebook!! Enjoy!!

    Note: files/folders can be shared through FILE_NAME which you created.

  2. Stop your container.

your_name:~$ docker stop CONTAINER_NAME

Now you can shut down your laptop.

Additional Information

  • Start Jupyter Notebook when you start to work again.
your_name:~$ docker start CONTAINER_NAME
  • If you cannot use some libraries/packages, install a desired library/package in your container!
your_name:~$ docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash
(base)jovyan@~:~$ pip LIBRARY/PACKGE_NAME
(base)jovyan@~:~$ exit
  • Check statement of containers.
your_name:~$ docker ps -a
  • Delete a container.
your_name:~$ docker rm CONTAINER_ID
  • Check statement of images.
your_name:~$ docker images
  • Delete a image.
your_name:~$ docker rmi IMAGE_ID